
About Me

Hello and welcome to Toadally Tots!  My name is Dawn De Lorenzo and I am the mommy to a zany, sweet, funny toddler who is turning three in April!  She is our world and the result of a long journey through failed adoptions and a few unsuccessful fertility treatments.  Finally, with the help of God and IVF we had our beautiful daughter!

I started Toadally Tots to help other moms who want to provide their tots and preschoolers with some enrichment activities and supplement their REAL curriculum ~ PLAY!  I believe play is the primary vehicle for your child's learning and essential to their growth and development in all areas.  While I will be sharing some Tot Packs which are more structured by nature, they should not be used as the end-all for your child's instruction.  Use what you can and leave the rest aside.  Try again another day if it does not hold their interest in the beginning.  Trust me, our daughter does not sit still for very long and there are many times that the teacher in me wants he to just sit and do her "work" but then I remember that her real job is to play and be loved :)

Thank you for stopping by and I hope you join me on this journey!