Monday, July 29, 2013
My First Attempt at Clip Art = FREEBIE 4 YOU!
I just purchased the Wacom Bamboo and I love playing around with it! I made some shapely pumpkins to go along with the story Spookley. I hope you like them:) Grab your FREE clip art by clicking the picture below:

Monday, July 22, 2013
Letter Recognition/Letter Sounds and the MVP (Most Valuable Product) Award!
Our daughter is four years old and attends preschool five days a week for two hours and forty-five minutes. Our primary purpose for placing her in preschool was for her to socialize. As an only child, it is hard to expose her to children her age on a regular basis; preschool serves that purpose while introducing her to many skills she will need when she enters Kindergarten. As a teacher, I admit it is very hard to "pull in the reigns" and not play school all day with her:) I think I manage to have a good balance. My focus right now is on letter recognition and beginning phonics. She can identify all of the capital letters and the majority of the lower case letters. I don't push sounds too hard because she is learning so much from preschool and through songs and rhymes. I am actually beginning to teach her sight words, but that will be another post ;)
I introduce the letters in a specific sequence. I begin with the letters that look identical as capital and lowercase (i.e. Cc, Kk, Mm, Oo, Pp, Ss, Uu, Vv, Ww, Xx, Yy, Zz). I always introduce capital letters first. I like to introduce everything with a story. We use AlphaTales by Scholastic.
These cute little animal tales are a fun way to introduce each letter in context. They also come with reproducible mini-books that the child can keep and use to reread or circle the letter. Once we have read the story we focus on identifying the letter. The next two resources are FREEBIES! The first one is from and it is a simple block letter with circles to be used for stickers or Do-a-Dot daubers. I use this one for stickers. You can use round Avery stickers or circular alphabet stickers. I purchased my alphabet stickers at The Dollar Tree.
The next thing we do is put all different stickers on a large blank letter to create a collage. I downloaded my large blank letter from a preschool curriculum we are using called God's Little Explorers. It is an awesome curriculum and I believe she has many things available for FREE! You can purchase the curriculum as one download if you prefer. However, you can find large letters all over the web. Our daughter loves doing this activity because she is obsessed with stickers right now:)
I introduce the letters in a specific sequence. I begin with the letters that look identical as capital and lowercase (i.e. Cc, Kk, Mm, Oo, Pp, Ss, Uu, Vv, Ww, Xx, Yy, Zz). I always introduce capital letters first. I like to introduce everything with a story. We use AlphaTales by Scholastic.
The next thing we do is put all different stickers on a large blank letter to create a collage. I downloaded my large blank letter from a preschool curriculum we are using called God's Little Explorers. It is an awesome curriculum and I believe she has many things available for FREE! You can purchase the curriculum as one download if you prefer. However, you can find large letters all over the web. Our daughter loves doing this activity because she is obsessed with stickers right now:)
Now comes fine motor work, but not writing/tracing. I may as well state here that I do not have our daughter trace letters at home. She receives Occupational Therapy and I do not want to push her and turn her off to writing by constantly reminding her to hold her pencil correctly. I expose her using more sensory experiences like the sandpaper letters, play-doh and writing in a salt box. She really enjoys Do-a-Dot and that is what we do with our Do-a-Dot page from
Another terrific resource is Animal ABCs from These are just so cool and appealing to preschoolers!
Before we move on to the sound for the letter, I have our daughter do a page that I created to work on visual discrimination and differentiating between the capital and lower case of the letter. We also count how many of each and record it. I use a very easily readable print font at this stage. I am working on something for her with the letter being presented in a variety of fonts, but at this stage it is essential for her to have a strong foundation. If you would like to check out this product you can click on the picture to download a FREE page in my TpT store.
Moving on to the letter sound! Here come some more FABULOUS FREEBIES! This is another one from These are Letter Hunts with a simple story focusing on one letter. In this case it was Xx. We read it and then she dots the letter Xx ~ you can have your child or students circle the letters or highlight them too. These can be found by clicking the picture below:)
Now a poem: A FREE printable from We read it together and though the directions say to circle the letter...we use little star stickers. I absolutely LOVE these because they use classic nursery rhymes!
The rest of the resources are products from Teachers Pay Teacher. The first two were created by yours truly;) The one below is called Preschool Playlist. It depicts an MP3 player and has objects that have the beginning sound of a given letter. This is straightforward and simple on purpose. When introducing letters and sounds you do not want to bombard a learner ~ exposure is essential at the beginning. This is just good practice and allows for gradual release of responsibility. Before they can select which one is NOT the sound they must be proficient with words that HAVE the sound. If you are interested in checking out my product, just click on the picture below.
My Initial Sounds Hole Punch cards are our daughter's favorite! I am thrilled she loves it because it targets hand strength, eye-hand coordination, and visual discrimination all while reinforcing letter recognition and beginning sounds! The learner has to identify the picture and say what the beginning sound is. Then he or she hole punches all of the letters for that sound. You can check it out by clicking the picture below.
Last, but certainly not least, is the MVP AWARD! Hoooraaayy! Most of you are no stranger to Annie Moffatt at The Moffatt Girls. Honestly, EVERY product she has is a MVP in my book! Her products are creative and fun and appealing to young children. That being said, one of her most versatile products is her Alphabet Money.
Click on the picture of her product cover above to check out how she uses the Alphabet Money with her little girl. I like to use mine as positive reinforcement when working with a particular letter. In a previous post I discussed how we use the money to "shop" for things that begin with a particular sound. As our daughter is mastering the letter she continues earn money with that letter. She can use it to "purchase" a little something from a treasure chest I have with trinkets from the dollar store.
Thank you Annie for this GREAT product! It is truly a MVP!!!
Sunday, July 14, 2013
The Key to Early Literacy: Concept of Word
You may think that the answer is phonemic awareness; but this is not so. The most pivotal early literacy skill is Concept of Word. The National Reading Panel (2000) credits phonemic awareness as instrumental in the development of literacy skill. However, Morris (1993) demonstrated that Concept of Word precedes and may facilitate phonemic awareness! So what is Concept of Word? Gately (2004) defines it as "...a key early literacy skill, or concept, that matches the spoken and written word. The following skills are present when a reader has Concept of Word:
Most students achieve these milestones without any specialized instruction. However, students that do not attain Concept of Word are often placed in specialized programs that emphasize phonemic awareness. Phonemic awareness is essential, however, without Concept of Word, students are unlikely to make progress.
What can be done to help students that do not demonstrate Concept of Word? Two very effective methods for intervention are Repeated Reading of predictable and leveled texts and Rebus Reading. Most of us in education are very familiar with Repeated Reading and use predictable leveled texts on a regular basis. These texts can easily be created by teachers and individualized to students' interests. Fountas and Pinnell (1999) suggest that print should be no more than one line per page. The text structure should be simple, repetitive, predictable, and natural. Gately (2004) emphasizes that teachers should "...take care that students successfully finger point when they read" as this will help learners "...establish concept of word and sharpen their focus and attention on print."
Some of the most beloved picture books are predictable and lend themselves to repeated reading: Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? by Bill Martin and Eric Carle is an excellent example of a predictable book.
Rebus Reading is another powerful strategy for assisting emergent readers with Concept of Word. This strategy has proven so effective that it " recommended as one that should be found in every classroom with emergent readers (National Center for Technology Innovation, 2004). Rebus is the combination of pictures with words either in conjunction or in place of the word. Rebuses are ideal for both emergent readers and struggling readers because they reduce the learning load on the reader (Woodcock, 1968.) Research conducted by Begy and Cahill (1978) found that the ability of kindergarten children to segment oral language into separate words significantly increased when they had used the Modified Rebus Reading Readiness Program (uses pictorial representatives of words) instead of a traditional reading readiness program.
The benefits of Rebus Reading and Repeated Reading of predictable text can and should be combined when working with emergent readers. In an effort to prepare our preschooler for the exciting and complex task of reading, I have created Sight Word Rainbow-Write Rebus Readers. They utilize predictable text as well as rebus in order to facilitate Concept of Word. Rainbow-writing with a die makes this a highly interactive and multisensory learning experience. For each new sight word and Rebus Reader we begin by reading it together. I read it aloud and track each word/picture with my finger. Next, I draw her attention to the sight word we are focusing on and tell her "The letters a-m spell the word am." Next, she uses her die and rolls one time for each page. The die shows her what three colors to rainbow-write. Last, she colors the pictures. Finally, she is very excited to show Mommy, Daddy, Grandma, Grandpa and anyone else who is around how she can "READ!" I always ask her to use her finger to track each word/picture. If your child or student is struggling with this, you can place small smiley stickers under each word/picture to help slow them down. Have them touch each sticker as they read each word/picture. You can gradually fade out the stickers.
I am creating these is a very specific sequence. Each one is meant to build upon the other. For example, the one shown above is introduced only after she has mastered the sight word "I". Once she has mastered the sight word "am" it can be used in another book. GUESS WHAT? I have the "I" Sight Word Rainbow Write Rebus Reader for you FREE! I hope that you enjoy it:) Just click on the picture below to grab yours at TpT! If you would like to get it at Teachers Notebook just click HERE:)
Monday, July 1, 2013
Introducing the Letters and Sounds of the Alphabet / God's Little Explorers
Our four year old daughter's last day of preschool was Monday! I can hardly believe how fast her first year went and I am beyond thankful that she has a second year of PreK because I am not ready to send her to Kindergarten:) We celebrated the last day of school by going to the movies to see Monsters University! It was sooo cute! It was her very first movie theater experience.
I am very excited about starting the God's Little Explorers Preschool Curriculum! I have not printed out all of the pages yet, but plan to do so and have it spiral bound at Staples like many other folks have done. It is an A to Z adventure of God's word. I actually LOVE the fact that the alphabet is not presented in order. The curriculum begins with letter "Xx" and the theme is God's Word is a Treasure. So a pirate/explorer theme works great! The first day I explained to our daughter that we were going to be looking for treasure together and showed her the treasure map I created.
Then we talked about how God's Word ~ the Bible ~ is a treasure map to help us find our way. Next, we read the Treasure Hunt story in the The Jesus Storybook Bible which is the parable from Matthew 13 about hidden treasure. On page 255 it states so perfectly that "God's treasure was his children. It was why Jesus had come into the world. To find God;s treasure." Isn't that a perfect picture for little ones? What better way to make this treasure hunt concrete than to dig for our own treasure!?! I hid some craft jewels in a bin of corn and she had to dig for her treasure. We also sorted them by shape and size and then picked out all of the hearts for a special project.
I explained to her that when people hide treasure they make a map so they can remember where they put it. They use an "X" to mark the spot where their treasure is hidden. God wants our hearts and he has an "X" to mark the spot of His greatest treasure ~ OUR HEARTS! We glued the hearts gems to an "X" and I mounted it to a page with the quote from her Storybook Bible.
Speaking of the Letter X ~ I think it is so cool that we started with that letter! There is not a whole lot out there for poor letter X...everything is xylophone or x-ray, but HEY, you gotta work with what you have:) Here is what we did for X:
My focus for our daughter is on letter identification and sounds right now. I am not overly concerned with her writing...especially since she is getting Occupational Therapy at school to address this area. I do not want her to hate writing, so at home I try to not push her too hard in that area. Notice I said is really hard as a teacher not to constantly attempt to correct her grip, etc. You can see from the pictures that we do a lot of Do-a-Dot, dot stickers, highlighting, cutting and pasting, as well as stickers. By the way ~ the book Jessica's X-Ray is really cute and includes real x-rays of various body parts. She really enjoyed it!
I also talked with her about the words hunt, quest, and pursuit since many games utilize these words in the to refer to the same/similar concept. Of course, we did a ton of scavenger hunts this week! We did the treasure hunt in the corn that I mentioned earlier, we did an outdoor neighborhood nature hunt, and we played the game Puppy Pursuit by Melissa and Doug. This is an awesome game for preschoolers that really targets several skills at once while having fun:) Click on the picture to read about it on Amazon.
I really want to wrap up letter x and move on to the next week. We had two days when we were not able to work on our plans, so we got a few days behind. Letter A is sure to be fun! I had a Caramel Apple Party at the beginning of this school year and have a TON of apple things for us to explore.
If you are also doing God's Little Explorers and have a blog, please let me know. I would love to follow your experience!
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Ladybug Freebie Frenzy!
Our soon-to-be four year old daughter is very frightened of bugs. Mostly, she will run for her life if there is anything with wings buzzing around her. It often makes her not want to stay outside and enjoy the outdoor activities she is engaged in. So, I decided I would try to desensitize her to bugs. First, I had to see exactly how fearful she was under various circumstances. I discovered that if the bug is on the other side of the window she is fine and will look at it and study it with some level of curiosity. When we are outside, she is also fine with ants (worms too) and caterpillars. So basically, I have it narrowed down to bugs buzzing around her - big or small. My first attempt at helping her get over her fear is ladybugs. We have been learning about life cycles, so this is the perfect time to introduce them. We took out several great books from the library. One of my favorite non-fiction books so far is Starting Life: Ladybug by Claire Lleewellyn.
I purchased the Lady Bug Land by Insect Lore and it is so awesome! It has a magnifier at the top of the dome so you can observe the ladybugs closely. It is also pretty neat looking:)
Next, I had to find some live ladybugs! Now, the Lady Bug Land comes with a certificate to order lady bugs and watch it through the life cycle, but I was more concerned with having our daughter exposed to the bugs as opposed to watching the life cycle. So I chose to order ladybugs. I was surprised that I could not find any locally; I ended up having to order them online through Hayneedle! I didn't think they would be alive since they shipped from California and took four days to get here. However, they arrived today and they were alive! There are about 1500 in the tub.
Naturally, I have a ton of ladybug themed activities for us to work on :) The best part is they were all FREE! So, here is a glimpse at what we did and a list of fabulous freebies I have found. First, we played a cute little math game using this great math mat freebie from Jennifer Hier. I made the spots using black foam and a craft punch, but Jennifer provides spots in her freebie :) I also used a dice popper that we had from Burger King a while back. It has 1,2,3 and -1, -2, and -3. We each got ten spots and each had a wing/side. The first person to get rid of all of their spots won :)
Jessica Finch's Where is Little Frog? is a great alternative or supplement to the book. It is a story about a ladybug looking for Little Frog. Click on the picture for this freebie!
We put a handful in our Lady Bug Land and left the rest in the tub and put them in the refrigerator. I had no idea you could do that, but that is what the instructions said to do. Our daughter was so excited! It was awesome to see that look of fascination that is priceless on a child!
Next, we colored this adorable little non-fiction reader by Michelle Griffo at Apples and ABCs. It also comes with a color, gut and paste sequencing activity!
If your kiddos are working on matching upper and lower case letters there is a great freebie from Book Fairies and Garden Gnomes.
Another great freebie for preschoolers is Ladybug Counting by Stacey Jones from A Moment in Our World.
Preschoolers are sure to love this Five Little Ladybugs song by Rita Galloway! Just click the picture to download :)
TouchMath is a popular multisensory mathematics program that uses specific points on numerals to assist students. This adorable ladybug themed touch point math cards are a great tool for preschoolers who are growing in their understanding of 1:1 correspondence and numeracy. This freebie is by TpT seller Krystie Bithell. Click on the picture to grab your own :)
Another book we took out from the library had a ladybug theme, but the focus was on prepositional phrases. The book is titled Look for Ladybugs by Dana Meachen Rau:
Hope you found something you can use! Thank you for stopping by!
Thursday, April 4, 2013
C is for...
Crafts! With our daughter off from school this week I have had the pleasure and challenge of keeping her entertained while trying to keep things educational. I am so proud of all the things she is learning in school and beginning sounds are really starting to click for her. I have been focusing on the letters that have a capital letter and lower case letter that are nearly identical. This week we have been working on Cc. We started out with some jewel counting use this great FREEBIE from Edlah Preschool Resources. We talked about how the word CROWN starts with the /c/ sound as does the word COUNT. Then she picked out the number of jewels needed for each crown and glued them on.
Please share if you have some favorite initial sound activities!
Next, we went on a letter C scavenger hunt in her playroom! She came up with some great ones.
We have carrot, cake, cupcake, crayon, cup, camel, cow, caterpillar, car, cucumber (Larry!), cookie, croissant, cat, camera, and Cookie Monster ~ of course!
Tomorrow we are going to SHOP for the C items using alphabet money that I purchased from The Moffatt Girls. This will be great because I can incorporate literacy AND math. I will put price stickers on each item and she will have to pay for her items using her letter C money.
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Time to Learn with Interactive Wrist Watches!
I am really excited about my newest products: Wrist Watches! Let your students get up and moving around the room looking for their "Watch Match" as they seek out what others' watches show. So far, I created a Rhyme Time edition and a Beginning Sounds edition. I also have a FREEBIE for you so you can check them out and play with them to see what it is like :) The FREEBIE is designed to supplement the book There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Rose by Lucille Colandro. If you are using the book as Valentine's Day approaches, stop by my shop and check out my products to supplement this fun book!
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Corinthians 13: 4-7 Countdown! FREEBIE
Valentine's Day has become so commercialized. It can be difficult to get your children to see beyond the candy hearts and valentines shared with friends and family. There is nothing wrong with these things ~ they are so much fun! But we may also want to focus our child's attention on LOVE and the real meaning as this term can be thrown around much too cavalierly. I created a Corinthians countdown to help our family focus on the popular Corinthians 13: 4-7 verse/passage in the Bible.
I printed ours on magnetic printing paper, but you can print it on card stock and use Velcro as well. We also found a great book for children titled Love is...
The illustrations are beautiful! More importantly, they display acts of TRUE Biblical LOVE :)
Use the week leading up to Valentine's Day to break down this passage in the Bible and discuss ways to put it into action. When your child displays LOVE toward another - add a candy to the heart!
I printed ours on magnetic printing paper, but you can print it on card stock and use Velcro as well. We also found a great book for children titled Love is...
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Education Eggs ~ Engaging Hands-On Learning!
I am EGG-tremely EGG-cited about this new center activity! Sorry for the lame EGG-spressions ;) So, let me introduce you to Education Eggs:
The first edition I have created is the Initial Sounds Set. It comes with six Carton Cards with eggs depicting something that begins with each letter of the alphabet. You will, of course, need an egg carton as well as a dozen plastic eggs. The set also comes with "Egg Yolks" with all the letters on the alphabet. You can use a craft punch (1 and 1/2") to punch these out to save time (and this is less tedious). I glued my "yolk" onto a wooden craft chip, but you can just laminate it if you prefer. Here is the best part: You can differentiate the activity! So, if you have a student who is a novice with beginning letter sounds you can place your yolks/eggs in the order matching the Carton Card. Then each egg becomes a self-checker.
If you have students who are developing the skill you can mix the eggs up in different places so they must open the egg and discover that the wrong letter is in the spot! Now they must find the egg with correct letter.
A recording sheet is included as well. Take a look on my TeachersNotebook shop HERE!
Don't forget the BIG sales on Superbowl Sunday!
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